Data Protection
As NERC CDT/DTP award holders, we wanted to bring to your attention, the following information regarding data protection and to ensure that all NERC funded students are aware of this and how their data are being used.
CDTs/DTPs are responsible for ensuring that any Training Grant activity carried out by You, Students, Supervisors and any Third Parties, complies with the Standard Terms and Conditions of Training Grants and any Specific Terms and Conditions of Training Grants.
UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) handles all personal data in accordance with current UK data protection legislation and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) where appropriate.
It is the responsibility of the Research Organisation to ensure that both students it funds from UKRI funding, and individuals who receive grant funding, or who are later involved in the award, are made aware of how personal data may be used by both UKRI and the Research Organisation. This includes information relating to groups such as students, supervisors, project partners, investigators, named researchers and support staff.
To meet UKRI’s obligations for public accountability and the dissemination of information, contents of funded research proposals will also be made available on the Councils’ websites and other publicly available sources. As a condition of funding, UKRI may use the data to publish information on awards made. We may also share information with third parties to support, for example, open access publication and reporting outcomes via Researchfish. This includes data submitted through Je-S Student Details (SD).
UKRI is also subject to the UK Freedom of Information Act (2000) and the Environmental Information Regulations (2004) and may be required to release grant information on request, subject to appropriate exemptions.
Further information is provided by the UKRI Use of grant proposal and training grant information addendum and via the UKRI Privacy Notice (Privacy Notice – UK Research and Innovation).