

Sunny waters: meeting our energy, water and climate mitigation needs with floating solar

Sunny waters - meeting our energy, water and climate mitigation needs with floating solar

By SolarWriter (Own work), cropped [CC BY-SA 3.0] What it’s about? Supplying sufficient energy to meet rising demands whilst transitioning to low carbon sources to avoid dangerous climate change is a global grand challenge. Solar photovoltaics (PV), deployed in various ways, will significantly contribute to future low carbon energy supply. Floating solar, or floatovoltaics, is […]

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Coupled hydrogeophysical and geomechanical modelling of slope stability for improved early warning of landslides impacting natural and engineered infrastructure slopes

Coupled hydrogeophysical and geomechanical modelling of slope stability for improved early warning of landslides impacting natural and engineered infrastructure slopes

There is a growing interest in linking hydrogeological and geomechanical models to improve understanding of hydrological processes triggering landslides, but progress has been limited by an inability to provide high spatial and temporal resolution input data on the physical properties of the subsurface (e.g. strength, materials, composition) and changes associated with hydraulic processes (e.g. pore […]

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Understanding long term climate and atmospheric composition change over Antarctica

Understanding long term climate and atmospheric composition change over Antarctica

Air bubbles trapped in the ice of the Earth’s cold regions provide a unique, fascinating and long term record of atmospheric composition. Ice-core records of reactive gases are a relatively recent innovation, and potentially offer constraints on aspects of the past ~10000 years where there is little consensus (or investigation) with climate models. In this […]

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Understanding coastal vulnerability in an uncertain world

Understanding coastal vulnerability in an uncertain world

Sea-level rise and enhanced storminess, driven by climate change, is greatly increasing coastal vulnerability and the impacts of coastal recession worldwide. Although coastal cliffs provide valuable natural protection, they also present rockfall and landslide hazards; thus, understanding the processes involved in coastal recession is vital in order to implement appropriate sustainable management strategies to carefully […]

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The impact of piscivorous birds on freshwater fisheries

The impact of piscivorous birds on freshwater fisheries

Many freshwater fisheries of ecological and economic importance are in decline, while populations of piscivorous (fish-eating) birds such as goosanders and cormorants are increasing. This has led to growing pressure from the angling community to control numbers of these birds, and it also poses a challenge to the designation and management of protected riverine areas […]

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Quantifying carbon change in afforested soils

Quantifying carbon change in afforested soils

Deforestation is a major global driver of soil carbon loss. Soil carbon is central to ecosystem functioning including the regulation of climate change, and quantifying the effects of deforestation on soil carbon stocks has been a major research focus. How soil carbon stocks respond to forest planting is less well quantified but nonetheless crucial. Although […]

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Novel high resolution surveying of fine sediment throughout large river cross sections; supporting improved flux estimation and habitat assessment.

Novel high resolution surveying of fine sediment throughout large river cross sections; supporting improved flux estimation and habitat assessment

Being able to accurately quantify the transport of fine sediment (sand particles and finer) in rivers is hugely important for many reasons, for example because it is a major mode of pollution transport, it affects in-stream habitats and biodiversity, the sustainability of infrastructure (e.g. flood defences), and it can increase flood risk. At present the […]

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Modelling the influence of aquatic plants on rivers’ flood conveyance capacity

Modelling the influence of aquatic plants on rivers’ flood conveyance capacity

This project will address the controversial and highly topical question of how we ensure that rivers do as good a job as possible of transporting water and thus reducing flood risk, whilst at the same time maintaining them as ecologically-healthy, aesthetically-pleasing elements of the landscape. Central to solving this conundrum is the need to understand […]

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